Living Things

Hey Brother John:

In John’s vision of heaven in Revelation 4, he didn’t mention seeing any cherubim.  He did see four living things “in the midst of the throne and around the throne”.  Are these the living things that were represented by the two cherubim on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, and the two cherubim that stood beside the Ark in the Temple?

Billy H.


Hi Billy:

I do not believe that the living things were cherubim, but inasmuch as none of us have been there to asee what John saw, none of us can be experts on the subject, either.

John didn’t know what to call them.  And it is difficult know how to translate the word he used to describe them.  I chose “living things”, instead of “living creatures” or “living beings” in order to communicate some that mystery.  “Living beings” or “living creatures” are acceptable translations, but I wanted to preserve some of John’s awe and wonder at what he saw before God’s throne.

Pastor John