did Jesus turn water into real wine or grape juice?
Real wine. The guests at the wedding where Jesus made the wine would not have been impressed with grape juice.
If real wine, what about God telling us not to drink strong drink?
Thank You,
Thank you for your question.
It is impossible to prove by the scriptures that drinking wine is sinful. An excess of anything is sinful, including drinking wine, and that is what the Bible condemns. Besides Jesus turning the water into wine, we have the example of Paul actually encouraging young Timothy to “drink a little wine” because doing so would help Timothy with his frequent stomach problems (1Tim. 5:23). Solomon’s wise friend, King Lemuel, advised that wine be given to those who were dying, and also to people who were depressed (Prov. 31:6); at the same time, Lemuel advised that that rulers should stay away from it (31:4).
The idea that Jesus turned water into grape juice comes from over-religious Christians who believe that drinking wine is sinful. But they know that Jesus was sinless, so surely he could not have made wine — or so they think.
Thanks again for your question. Feel free to follow up with any others that you may have.
Your servant,
Pastor John