Jesus’ Coming

Hi there,

I started reading your article on when will Jesus return.  You mention the three signs that Christ spoke of coming to pass first; namely false teachers, wars and rumours of wars, and third famine and other natural disasters.  You glibly carry on to suggest it is laughable to think that Christ will return soon.  Do you watch the news?  have you not seen all these things come to pass.  have you not seen what is going on in the churches?  Or are YOU one of the false teachers.  Please update your article.

Thank you


Hi Jenny,

Thanks for your email.   Since at least 1993 (and even earlier) we have been saying via radio and in print that it will be many years until Jesus returns.  The teachers within the religion of “Christianity” have been saying that Jesus could return at any moment.   So I ask you, who has been wrong and who has been telling the truth?

Concerning your statement that the news indicates that Jesus will come back very soon because the signs mentioned are happening…there are other signs and events besides these three.   These are three of the earliest of the signs of the end.  If you read the book of Revelation with careful scrutiny, you will see what they are.  There must also come the rest of the Seven Seals and then the Seven Trumpets (including those mysterious Seven Thunders) before the Lord Jesus comes for his people.  We are not close.  Not yet. 

So I must say that our article is both factual and accurate.  Jesus’ return is probably decades, if not longer, away from coming to pass.  I doubt He will return in my lifetime (I am 55 years old).

We say that Christian ministers who are telling God’s children that “Jesus could come at any moment” are misleading their congregations, albeit ignorantly.  Things ARE speeding up, and time marches on, but at the present time, God’s children don’t need to prepare for Jesus coming as much as they need to prepare for Jesus NOT to come.  Most of God’s saints are ill-equipped in the Spirit to survive what is to come before Jesus returns.  So, if we are going to help God’s children, we need to do it with truth.  And the truth is that Jesus’ coming is still many years away.  There is time to prepare.

blessings to you.
Gary Savelli