Dear Pastor John,
Have been studying Proverbs chapter 8. Is this chapter talking about wisdom or about Jesus? I am kind of stuck on this one.
Truly yours,
Jacob F.
Dear Jacob,
Proverbs 8 is the hidden son of God speaking through the prophet about his existence with the Father from the foundation of the world.
Thanks for the question,
Pastor John
Here is our translation of Proverbs 8:22-30, which is the section you are probably most asking about:
The Lord created me the beginning of His way, the first of His works.
I was anointed from eternity, before the beginning, before earth existed.
I was brought forth when there were no depths of the sea, when there were no springs abounding with water.
Before the mountains were settled, before the hills, I was brought forth.
When He had not made the earth, and the open fields, and the first elements of the world,
when He prepared the heavens, I was there. When He decreed a circle on the face of the deep,
when He established the thin clouds above, when He made strong the fountains of the sea,
when He made His decree for the sea, that the waters should not disobey His word, when He decreed the foundations of the earth,
I was at His side, like a master workman, daily His great delight, always laughing in His presence, rejoicing in the world, His earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.