Holy Ghost Baptism

Dear Pastor John,

My name is Osmond and I found your ministry when searching for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I came to know the Lord at a Baptist church my first year in college and only within the last two years came to understand and believe Jesus is the same, He still heals, still delivers, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is for today. I know Acts 1:8 and Luke 11 describe how the Holy Spirit empowers us for life and ministry and I have prayed and fasted, but have not gotten the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I have seen God provide in amazing ways but I do not know how and when the baptism of the Holy Spirit will happen in my life. Can you help? Brother Osmond


Greetings, Osmond, and thank you for writing!

The only thing the Bible tells us Gentiles to do to receive the holy Spirit baptism is to repent.  If there is anything more required, I do not know what it is.  The old saints who taught me Christ used to say, “Whatever keeps the holy ghost out of your life will keep you out of the kingdom of God.”  I believe that: so, I encourage you to make receiving the baptism of Christ THE priority of your life.

Men have invented many ways (church doctrines) by which they justify themselves and others, but as Jesus said to one such group, “God knows your heart.”  Do not believe those who tell you that you are born again and right with God without Jesus’ baptism of the holy ghost.  They are not the door; Jesus is, and when we satisfy him and His Father with our repentance, he baptizes us into his body (Rom. 6:3; 1Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27).  There is no other way to get into the body of Christ.

If you have further questions, please let us know.  May God richly bless you and fill you with His holy Spirit!  And do let us know how things go with you.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor John