Colossians 2:15

RE: Colossians 2:15: “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” 

How did Jesus make a “show of the principalities and powers openly”?  I remember what a Triumph was in ancient Rome, but who was Jesus’ Triumph in front of?



Hey Token!

The answer to your question is in the last word of that verse: “it”.

Our translation of Colossian 2:14–15 is this: “After he had done away with the writing of ordinances by hand, which was contrary to us, removing it from between us when he nailed it to the cross, by which, stripping the rulers and authorities, he exposed them publicly, leading them along in a Triumph.”

Jesus made a public spectacle of the principalities and powers when they nailed him to a cross.  They, and everyone else in heaven and earth except God, thought that Jesus was the public spectacle.  But the people who abused and crucified the Son of God were the disgusting spectacle to the One who counted.  The cross was Jesus’ Triumph over the whole universe.
