
Hi Pastor John, 

I had the most wonderful feeling of thankfulness from Jesus today. It was not a human feeling.  This kind of thankfulness is from Jesus.

I had been feeling pretty sad.  Jerry and I came down with a cold this weekend.  That meant I couldn’t go see Bess or Debbie T.  We had to cancel dinner with Tom, Suzi, Michael and Anna.  Add a cold day in the rain today, and I was feeling kind of pitiful.

Now for the good part:

I put on your CD “The Best Thing to Me”.  Pastor John, just your voice made me feel better.  I began to think about how thankful I am to be here with you.  How thankful I am that you wanted Jesus more than high positions and titles.  Thankful for how much you love Jesus. Thankful that how others treated you did not stop you from obeying and trusting.  The feeling that filled my car was from Heaven.  It made me weep.

Then I began to thank Jesus for taking such sweet care of Bess and her dad.  I couldn’t go and comfort my sweet sister, but Jesus did.  I thanked him for taking care of Debbie T.  I thanked him for guiding the doctor’s hand.  I thanked him for the wonderful news about Jr.  No cancer! I thanked him for wise counsel and a family that loves the truth.  Sister Willie is right; you cannot complain and feel thankful at the same time.  Thankfulness is consuming.  No room for anything else when Jesus lets you feel his thankfulness. 
