
Hi Pastor John, 

Thinking about today, I came to the meeting today with a bad migraine, feeling like Jesus was going to do something.  I have been asking him for faith for healing.  When I heard that verse about faith in that song today, I felt Jesus with me.  My migraine lifted, and it has not come back.  I have felt such a peace since the meeting – a still quiet peace inside.  I feel like Jesus is healing something much deeper than migraines.  I feel like Jesus is healing me to be able to trust him.

I learned at a very early age that I couldn’t trust my mom and dad or others I should have been able to trust.  I only say that because I haven’t really known how to trust, even Jesus.  Sounds silly, but I know I have been broken about being able to trust.  When you prayed for me Friday night and my headache didn’t lift, I felt hurt that Jesus didn’t take it.  I went back and listened to my testimony about being built block by block, and I talked to Jesus and said, “I am just going to trust you, Jesus.”  I think that testimony went in even deeper this weekend.  I don’t know if Jesus healed my migraines permanently, but I know I feel a peace inside that feels like something else was done.  I know Jesus loves me, and that is a very big healing for me.
