Hi Pastor John,
A few months ago, I learned about the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I have been desiring it since but have not experience it yet. Do you know anyone or any church near where I live that I can have fellowship with people that have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
Thank you for your time,
David A.
Washington State
Hi David!
God bless you, and thanks for writing.
It used to be that I could suggest that someone in your situation go to a local Pentecostal Church (Church of God, Pentecostal Holiness, etc.), but no longer. They are becoming as big and as dead as the denominations they once came out of. If you do find a Pentecostal Church in your area, the people might still have some joy and power – which would be good – but in the main, Pentecostalism has lost its way and has dried up, the way the once-dynamic Charismatic movement of the late 20th century has dried up.
The way things are now in congregations that used to be free in the Spirit, it is best for you just to seek God alone. Better to be alone and free than to try to serve God in the midst of confusion.
You are blessed! Just stay thankful that God has given you a thirst for His righteousness, and go with it. That thirst is His invitation to come drink of His fountain (cp. 1Cor. 12:13), and God does not make such invitations frivolously. Expect to receive the holy Ghost!
There are a number of online testimonies from people about receiving the holy Ghost. They would encourage you in the Lord, I think. Also, you might enjoy reading my father’s testimony here:
We will be waiting to hear YOUR testimony soon! Please stay in touch. It is exciting to us when we hear that Jesus has touched another soul! He is good!
Your servant in Christ,