Losing the Spirit

Pastor John, 

When a person baptized in the Holy Spirit is not living in godly way, the holy spirit is grieved.  Is it possible that the holy spirit will depart from such a person?



Hi Leika.

Good question.  The short answer is yes.  The Spirit may leave a backslider, under certain conditions, while he is still living in this world.  Paul refers to those who have been thus cursed as “reprobates” (2Cor. 13:5–7).  If a backslider never repents in this life and dies in his sin, the Spirit will no doubt be taken from him after death; however, the Bible is silent about that specific point.

Thankfully, God is very patient, “not willing that any should perish”, and He will wait for many years, for a wayward child to repent.  We may all be thankful for that.

Pastor John