Hi, John.
We know you have an anointing to be a Pastor and Teacher for us. Some, if not all of us have been healed in some way by you praying for us. I lot of us are here today because God put us on your heart.
Was there a time that you knew this, or was it a gradual thing that happened after Preacher Clark grew older? I heard you say that God took over your education. Did that happen during that time?
So glad that I was rescued in order to be here.
Hi Billy.
As you have probably heard me say a few times, I have never claimed to be anointed and sent to heal the sick. I have had no such experience, and have never asked even for it. All I have ever asked Jesus for is enough power and wisdom to take care of the flock he has given to me. That’s all I have ever wanted, as far as miracle-working power is concerned, and with that, I am content.
I am very thankful that “the prayer of faith heals the sick”, and that the sick and hurting have at times been miraculously healed when I, or we as a group, have prayed for them. I pray for that grace to continue with us.
Thank you for your question. It was one worth asking, and I hope my answer is sufficient. If not, let me know, and I’ll try again.
Love you, Brother Billy!
Pastor John