Nowhere to Lay His Head

Concerning the scripture, “And Jesus said to him,The foxes have dens, and the birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.”

Do you think this means that since no one had received his spirit yet, Jesus had no body, as in born again believers? He is the head of all the born again believers, and so without us, he would have no place to lay his head.



No, Eve, that is not what Jesus meant. He was just making a simple statement about having no certain dwelling place at that time.

By the way, at one time, Jesus did own a home. It was in Capernaum, and it was the house that the four men climbed on top of and tore a huge hole in the roof so that they could lower down their paralytic friend to be healed. Jesus, you will recall, was very pleased that they had the faith to tear a big hole in his roof.

Pastor John