Names in the Book

This is a short, simple Q&A with a man who ordered the Speaking in Tongues book in July 2009. I haven’t heard from him apart from that and now this. It shows we are having some effect on people.



On 10/1/2010 6:21 AM
1_Name: M Do…

Can ones name be blotted out of the Book of Life?


Yes. It is also impossible to have new name written in there. God has already written the book.



On 10/1/2010 12:26 PM, M Do… wrote:

So if I get that right…,

Before the foundation of the world, the Lord writes in The Book of Life the names of the elect,
But, the elect must be obedient and faithful in order to NOT have their names blotted out,
However, NO ONES name who is not already written can be added to the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Thanks for helping me understand.


Yes, that’s it and it is the holy spirit baptism that shows who is written in the book. Until then we do not know.



Thank you very much.


k, Bear with me on this.

So if lake of fire was created for the devil and his angels, would that mean every human had their name in the book of life to start with, and after their bad deeds had it removed?

Because God wants everyone to make it in the end..right.
or like Damien said, that book is only the people who is going to get the Holy Ghost?Does that make sense?



Yes, it does. I will have to think on that one. Am too tired to do that now…

but excellent question! That is a mind stretcher…
