Peace, Joy, Love

Pastor John,

I have a question.  If a person doesn’t have a Holy Spirit within them it means that he/she can’t experience peace, joy, love, and the fruit of the spirit.  They are blind to that. Are all they can feel within them are hatred and all negative feelings?

I’ve been thinking about this.  A person who hasn’t been baptized by the Holy Ghost can’t live right. And they can’t see the Kingdom of God.



Hey Leika,

They can feel human love, and human compassion, joy, peace, etc.  But there are many stories in the Bible of people feeling those human feelings and sinning because of it (e.g., 1Kgs. 20:31–43).  Only God’s kind of love, God’s peace, and mercy, etc., will keep us on the right track.  With our own ways, we hurt people even as we are trying to help them. Walking in the Spirit, we do what is truly good for them, and are a real blessing to those around us. We must be led by the Spirit to do anything that is right and holy.

Pastor John