Hi, Pastor John.
I loved the track reading last night. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the scripture, “Do not be deceived; God is not mocked.
For whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7, the way I heard it last night.
My entire life, even as a kid, I’ve heard it. Mom would say you will reap what you sow. Or you hear people say, “Don’t worry, God will get them.” I think somewhere along the way it had been ingrained with looking at that scripture from an earthy/fleshly, and maybe even Christian prospective. Do something good and good happens to you. Do something bad, and wait for the hammer to drop. In today’s times, I’ve heard people call it “Karma”. I remember being scared of that scripture at times. That scripture gets used so much in reference to earthly situations, like God is a boogie man waiting for you to do bad. Had a bad day? Well, that just means you did something God wasn’t happy with, which I always thought was odd because we don’t always see a direct result of someone’s poor choices. Sometimes, but not all.
Am I correct in thinking that in that verse, Paul was specifically speaking of an eternal reaping, and nothing of earthly reaping good or bad?
I know God has certainly made things go haywire for me at times when I made a bad decision. He has definitely gotten my attention that way. However, last night made me see how many things are taken from scripture from a fleshly point of view. The original way of thinking seems so surface level, with no regard to where eternity will be spent.
I want to see things from a heavenly point of view. Sure, we reap well from taking care of our business here on earth. We reap well for being a good employee, etc. But what about the end result? How did we obey Jesus and take care of others hearts? How are we being an example to others in Christ with our testimony? I want that to be most important, above any earthly gain. I don’t want to get so caught up in doing well on this earth that I forget about why I am even here.
Thank you and Preacher Clark for obeying Jesus.
Hi Margo.
To answer your question, yes, Paul was speaking of reaping from God our eternal reward in the Final Judgment. If we keep our minds on that, we will do well and be blessed forever.
Pastor John