Hi Pastor John,
I had a sweet experience with Jesus yesterday, and I wanted to share it.
I had been mowing some of the leaves that have fallen and saw some garbage in the ditch. I stopped the mower and got off to pick up the garbage. There were two glass whiskey bottles and two beer cans lying near each other, and as I bent down to pick them up, I felt frustrated.
I began to tell Jesus how much it bothered me that some people just threw their alcohol bottles in the ditch as they drove or walked by. Actually, I told him that those people get on my nerves, and I didn’t want to have to pick up after their bad habits. When I said that, Jesus started talking to me. Jesus asked me which condition would I rather be in, the condition of the poor soul carrying around that bottle or the condition of being clean and sober, and cleaning up the ditch? I know what condition I was in before Jesus came into the ditch and carried me out. It changed me as soon as he said that. I am just overwhelmed with thankfulness for what condition I am in.
I have been picking up garbage out of that ditch for five years now, and I don’t think I will ever feel the same about it. I thought about it all day, and the same overwhelming thankfulness hits me. Jesus cleans up ditches all the time!
When Jesus talks to you it changes things. I love how true that is!
Beth D.