No Coattails

Good morning and happy New Year from KY.

I have had a thought that keeps replaying in my head.  I feel I am supposed to share it.  

The message is, no one will get into heaven on anyone else’s coattails.  It doesn’t matter how much you loved them, or they loved you.  When we are standing in Judgment, it will be all about what we did, our deeds.  Only the condition of our hearts and our deeds.  No one will ride in on a beloved saint’s coattails, no matter how good that saint was.  No one will ride Preacher Clark’s coattails, Sister Lou’s coattails, Sister Natalie’s coattails, or anyone else’s.  That will not matter.  Standing in Judgment, there will be no ,”Yeah, but”, no objections, no defense.  Just you, the condition of your heart and your deeds, period.  In the Catholic Church, I was taught to pray for the dead and that you could help their condition.   That is a huge lie.  Once you are dead, your judgment is set.  

I had another lesson this weekend.   I have been on call since Christmas.  I have been blessed with very few calls.  This weekend I got called in twice, and I was unable to fix either issue.  I became very despondent about this, doubting if I even belonged in this job.  This morning I read Thought for the Morning: Fasting and Feasting (January 1)*, a letter from a Brother Jim.  I found such relief from that thought!  But even more was how often the answer will present itself if you continue in the Lord.  It may take a little time, but keep doing your study, praying, and spending time with the Lord and the answer will come.

I thank God for Jesus.  I thank Jesus for His sacrifice.  I thank you all for being such examples.  And I am thankful God pulled me out of my filth and led me to a place where the truth is taught and loved.

Well, break time is over, and I have to get back to work now.  Oh yeah, I thank God for this job He gave me.  I guess I have a mouthful of “thank you” this morning!

Mark W.