Notes from the Last Meeting

Hi Pastor John,

There were so many good things said last night at the meeting that I had to go back and re-listen and transpose some of what you said, so that I can refer back to it, and share it, too.

“If you’ll wait on God, He can handle it. He will lead you.  You’ll feel the right thing, and there’s no pressure to do anything or not do anything.  There’s no pressure.  There’s just life.  Rest in the Lord and live.  He’ll bring it to pass.  He’ll take care of the situation.  Pray to stay alive and don’t fall into the trap of form.  If you do, something wrong is going to seem right because it fits the pattern in your head.   And something God does may seem very wrong because it doesn’t fit the form.  We’re not here to celebrate form; we’re here to celebrate the Son of God and what He’s done for us.” 

“The will of God is right now.  You won’t find it in a book; you’ll find it in the Spirit.  What will make Him happy right now?  What will satisfy God and please Him right now?  Whatever you feel in your heart from the Spirit of God, whether to be still or to speak.  Whatever.  There’s just no form to go by.  There’s no form in Heaven. And when it’s in the Spirit, it accomplishes something.”

“Obedience to God will yield the results you’re after.   Waiting on the Lord, you’ll get there.  But do it in God’s way and in God’s time.   Most people who get off the right track with Jesus are trying to do something they think is good.  Wait on the Lord.  David was waiting out there taking care of his father’s flock, playing music, learning how to use a sling, just waiting on the Lord.  God chose to use David, and he had just been waiting, doing what he was supposed to do.  God said, ‘I’ve got something I can use that guy for.’  Just go about your life and live.  Don’t feel any pressure to do anything.  Just do what you’re supposed to do.  Do your job well, do your schoolwork well. ‘Wait on the Lord and He will bring it to pass.’  He may leave us on the shelf…  If he wants to leave me on the shelf, that’s fine as long as He’s happy with me.”

“If you’ll patiently follow the Spirit, love the truth, treat people right, walk in the Spirit, you’ll end up with a whole life of testimonies.  Be patient.  Just go through this life trusting God, waiting on the Lord, or moving when He says move, getting still when He says be still, because the time will come when He’ll bring it to pass, and it will be worth it.”

Thank you for feeding us.

