Good morning pastor John!
I was listening to what you said at the funeral service and it brought up the question in me that death always brings up, which is, what exactly happens when we die? I don’t know why the thought of sleeping and not going straight to Jesus troubles me, but it does. Maybe it is just some left over baggage and wrong ideas from Christianity.
I want to go straight to Jesus when I leave this world. I daydream about that moment!
Yes, I know it doesn’t matter what I want!
Yet, I have been pondering that, and trying to remember everything I have learned thus far from you, and going through what scriptures I can find. I just wanted to ask you a question to make sure what I think I remember is correct.
When Jesus died and descended into the heart of the earth for three days, he preached the gospel to those that were down there. When he left there, he took Abraham, Lazarus, and others that were not on the side of Torment, with him?
And the thief on the cross, Jesus said he was going to be in Paradise with him, that day? “Jesus said to him, “Truly, I tell you, today you’ll be with me in Paradise” (Lk. 23:43).
Beth D.
Hi Beth.
In my book, “What the Bible Really Says about Hell” this is explained in some detail. Before Jesus ascended back into heaven, Sheol (or, Hell) was divided into two parts, Paradise and Torment. Jesus transferred Paradise into heaven after he ascended into heaven and cast Satan and his angels out. The righteous, as spirits without bodies, still go into Paradise when they die, but Paradise is no longer in the heart of the earth. Paradise is now where Jesus is. Saints in Paradise do not have their new bodies yet, however; Jesus will give them new bodies when he comes and resurrects them from the dead, implanting their happy spirits into the glorious bodies God has prepared for them.
Don’t worry. If we love and obey Jesus while we are in these fleshly bodies, whatever he does with us after we shed them will be good, and we will love it.
Pastor John
My book on Hell can be found here: