The section in the Father and Son reading tonight about the Law were so interesting! I never put all of that together or even had the thought concerning these things: it had to be God’s Lamb, not Joseph‘s; according to the law, the owner had to do the killing for the sacrifice; and the owner also had to be willing. I also never had the thought of why it had to be a virgin birth. It was so clear as we read tonight. I love how it was tied to the Old Testament.
We are about to start the law in our Old Testament class. ( I am excited! In one of your papers it said, “As you enter into the study of God’s law now, consider yourself to be a privileged guest, honored to hear such wondrous, sacred words because that is the truth concerning both the law and you.” Yes!
Tonight’s reading in the Father and the Son was an example of how understanding the Law will broaden our horizons to other truths! Wonderful! I love how Jesus is opening up our eyes and our hearts.
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