The Flood


This morning around the fire, we all were talking about the Flood video we watched last night at your house. (Bing Videos)  We got onto the subject of fish fossils in different layers of sediment, some being fresh water and some being saltwater species, and not being found at the same level with each other.  I was thinking about that some and I was thinking “what different does that make?”

I got curious about salt water in the bible.  There is not one mention of the sea being salt water anywhere in the bible, before the flood or after, that I could find anyway.  The only place that it is mentioned is in James 3:12: “A fig tree cannot bear olives, can it, my brothers? Or a grapevine, figs? Just so, no fountain yields salt water and fresh.”

I started thinking about what you said about how some men take the present and think it represents what happened in the past, and the way we see it now is the way it has always been.  But that is not true.  What we have now is the result of what happened in the past. What if all the water was fresh water until after the Flood?  Or later?  We know that the seas were gathered in one place just as the land mass was one land at creation, then God put the firmament in the midst of the waters, and it divided the waters from the waters (Gen: 1:7).  Was the rainwater salt water when it was divided?  What if God tearing apart the earth created salt water from all the minerals being poured into the waters that covered the whole earth?  We are not told, I know, but it was interesting just looking it up today in the bible and not seeing the sea being called salt water anywhere that I could find.  Maybe you know some place I missed.



What an interesting thought!  Was the sea before the Flood salt water?   Maybe someone knows how to tell from the bone structure of fossils whether a fish is a fresh water or salt water fish.  But the pre-Flood world was so different from the world that exists now, we would have to ask how can anyone know for sure that the differing bone structure in fish before the Flood signified a difference between fresh and salt water fish.  Everything in the world, even the physics in nature, changed with the Flood.

Thank you for the thought.  When we see Jesus, we can ask him all about it.

Pastor John

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