Hey there.
Tonight when reading about how God is protecting the tares and the wheat, I had the thought, “Protect from what? God’s own will?” I thought of a tornado. If one comes around, is it not God who sent it? What is He not in complete control of? So I thought I would see where in the Bible the word “protect” was. I was amazed to find that “protect” or “protector” or even “guardian” was not even in the Bible. The word protection is used one time in Deut. 32:38 when God is referring to other gods or idols worshipped by a crooked and perverse generation. Isn’t there even something written about “guardian angels”? Seems to me that whatever befalls anyone is simply God’s will. So is “protecting” the tares the right word to use? I do feel protected living in this world, knowing that I do have a relationship with God and an understanding of all things. Or is what I feel more of a peace of mind, knowing that whatever befalls me is the will of God for my good? Any thoughts?
Hi Bob:
The Hebrew and Greek words for “protect” are in the Bible many times; they are just translated as “keep”. “guard”, “watch”, etc., in the King James Version.
You don’t want to develop a fatalistic view of “all things working for our good”. Some people do that in order to excuse doing nothing when confronted with difficult circumstances. God sends things our way for many different reasons. Sometimes, He is trying to motivate us to DO something instead of sitting back with a yawn and saying, “Well, God’s in charge.”
But through it all, all of God’s children, even the foolish, we are being protected, to various degrees, even if that word is hardly ever used in the KJV.