August 30
I’d rather be a loser for God than a winner for Satan. – George C. Clark”
Hey John,
This “Pearl of Wisdom” (below) reminds me what the spirit said to me a couple of years ago. “Do you want to be right, or do you want Jesus?” One Wednesday night earlier this year, when we were reading about Satan in the “Father and Son” book, God reminded me of what he had said but and changed the question to this: “Do you want to be like Satan or Jesus”? On Saturday of that same week, we were talking about Jesus a lot that night, and the phrase changed again, “Do you want to be like Satan, or do you want to be righteous?”
Cathy B.
That reminds me, Cathy, of something James wrote down as we were learning of how Satan makes himself appear to be so good. It went something like this: Satan, and those like him, are concerned with “rightness”; God and those like Him are concerned with righteousness. There Is a big difference between “rightness” and “righteousness”, and it took the Son of God coming from heaven to teach us what the difference is.
Pastor John