question from website.
Hi Brother John David Clark, Sr.
Good morning. I could Not find answer of this question BELOW on your website. Could you please answer the question.
In Romans 2, Paul describes God’s principles of judgment. How are these related to: A) Gentiles B) Jews C) Christian believers?
Thank you for being so kind.
Sincerely Yours
Rev. Nasir M. G.
Methodist Church of Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan
Dear Sir:
The two basic principles concerning judgment that I see in Romans 2 are these:
(1) Condemning others for deeds that you yourself are doing is hypocrisy, and the hypocrite will be punished by God.
(2) God will impartially render to every man according to his deeds, whether a person sinned under the law or not.
Paul does give a specific warning in that chapter to teachers of the law of Moses, but even at that, the instructions he gives are intended to educate the body of Christ as a whole. I hope that answers your questions.
Pastor John