Hi Pastor John
I remember you told me once that no where in the bible does it say “the holy Ghost will not dwell in an unclean temple”- is this right or is there scriptures that people misinterpret?
Hi Michelle!
That is right. There is no such Scripture in the Bible (and for good reason).
There are, however, several verses in the Mormon bible that are similar to that. Instead of “an unclean temple”, the Mormon version is, “an unholy temple”. But the saying is false, regardless of the specific word that is used. God’s presence remained in the Old Testament temple for many hundreds of years after it was polluted with sin by His people. And Jesus stays with God’s people who have fallen away from him. He does not forsake his people when they err; rather, he stays with them and corrects them.
Sayings such as “The Spirit cannot dwell in an unclean (or, unholy) temple” was invented by somebody who had lost their love for God’s children when they wander away from God. Don’t be like that.
Pastor John
You can read what I have written on the subject at:
Pastor John:
I have this, from the minister of a friend, who asked her pastor the same question that I asked you about the phrase, “the holy ghost won’t dwell in an unclean temple”:
Hey Sis, there are scriptures for this, although it does not say this exact phrase. It is 1Corinthians 3:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 6:15-20. Pretty Plain and simple actually, people use the excuse and say because it does not say this exact phrase that it is NOT in the Bible, but it IS in the Bible, it just does not say that exact phrase. I believe people back slide sitting right in the house of God. When we do not do according to Gods will and continue in this state, we are backsliding. Although, we do not call it that, i say we, i mean HolyGhost believing folks say grow cold, haha, its the same thing just different words to justify it
Brother D——
My friend also added this:
“PS. The other way I would use “the HG wont dwell in an unclean temple” is when a sinner comes to the Lord. He MUST first repent, get his temple clean, and then the HG comes in. Some people start asking for it before they even repent is all I’m saying.”
My question about that, Pastor John, is this. I know that we must repent before we can receive the holy Ghost; however, the holy Ghost is what cleans you up. Correct? So how can the holy Ghost come into an already clean temple?
If you have the study guide for “The Spiritual Condition of the Disciples before Pentecost”, look at Number 1 on that study guide. It is, “They were clean, but they were not sanctified.”
People can be “clean” according to a set of rules, such as the law of Moses, but not sanctified by the holy ghost.
Pastor John
This is regarding the emails concerning that made-up scripture, “The holy ghost won’t dwell in an unclean temple.”
I remember this one all too well. I hope that the way the Lord gave me to handle this false rumor with an associate at the company I was working at in Henderson years ago never leaves me in this life because it brought peace.
A young boy came up to me one day and said, “The Holy Ghost won’t dwell in an unclean temple.” Somehow in the spirit the Lord let me know from whom the comment originated. I didn’t squabble with the young man but replied very gently and softly, “Please find that in the Bible and let me know where that is located. I want to read it.” The Lord let me know in the spirit he would go back and tell the sower of that seed what I said to him. (This was not my wisdom but God’s.) By doing this, it put the sower on the spot with him to explain his comments. He said he would find the scripture for me (I think he said he would do it that night) and come back and tell me where it was located.
The next day, I was waiting for him to come talk to me, but he avoided me by keeping a distance between us. Finally, the following day, he came to me real low and told me, “You know, that is not in the Bible.” I remember telling him, “You tell the fellow that told you this was true that I said it is a serious thing to tell people things about God.” He didn’t dispute that he had a partner in the event who was the instigator, nor did he admit it, other than by his silence.
What I loved about the way God did this is that two people learned something about God, and the issue was settled peacefully. It also made the young man cautious about believing anything he heard.
I have seen this doctrine, or the spirit of it, lead people to be extremely cruel to people who had erred and were trying to find their proper place back with God. In one case, if the person had known what he was doing, he would have been close to Blasphemy. That doctrine makes people feel free to be very cruel “in the name of the Lord”.
When I think on these things, it brings to mind what Jesus said: “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”