Tithes and offerings


In response to reading your online paper “Tithes and offerings” I have taken this time to write to you.

I am an aspirating “servant” as you write: not yet called officially of the Lord, but being led in that direction.

Being willing to go, and do as the Lord leads; whether being a Pastor, or Evangelist, or missions, I am preparing for the ministry, “FULL-TIME”!

In my full-time pursuit I am searching for education about the ministry, and the things that pertain to this service to God.

The subject of Tithes and Offerings, and giving in general is a part of the ministry that is of great controversy, or so it seems. As I have been looking on-line for example; there seems to be two extreme versions as to how charitable donations and or giving are suppose to be conducted. Some are saying “Tithes and the giving of Offerings”; and others are saying a “free will giving”, is the best way to receive donations.

I must Have searched about ten articles, and posts before reading your’s, and it seemed to me that your article was the only one that gave an honest, and straightforward approach. The others seem to be too defensive of position, that is they seem to want to fight, rather than edify, or educate the reader. After all I am just trying to learn, and not shopping for an opinion.

In your article you stated, that taking up a collection was wrong, but rather a basket in the back the the church, would be less intimidating. I agree, because I would feel obligated to put something in a basket that was pasted by my lap, whether I was called of the Lord to do so or not. A basket or box in the back would be something I would pass by, or contribute to without any regards of what others might think.

I would like to poss a question although, Would it be right in the teaching of stewardship to suggest to the congregation, that tithes and offerings is a way of giving, and that free will is another way; since there is so much controversy, and opposite opinions on the subject.

Gerald G


Dear friend,

Thank you for writing. I appreciate your effort to avoid controversy by suggesting that the opposing views are just two ways p0f giving. Strife and division among those who believe is a reproach to the name of Jesus, and I earnestly pray that God will have mercy on His children and deliver them all from divisions.

Concerning your idea of describing tithes and offerings as a form of giving, let me invite your attention to the first two chapters (added as an attachment) of my new book, Tithes and offerings, which will be published within a couple of weeks. I believe that your question will be answered on the opening pages.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor John