Hey Brother John:
Yesterday I was listening to the Hebrews ch.12 CD. In that meeting brother Gary quoted the scripture from Is. 53:5, where it says “and with his stripes we are healed”. I can’t remember exactly what Gary said but it gendered a question. The stripes that are mentioned here, are they the ones Jesus received when he was scourged, or are they the ones we receive when he scourges us? When read together with I Peter 2:20-25 it seems that its the latter. Thank you.
Billy H.
Hi Billy:
The stripes we receive do not heal us; they just humble us to be corrected and then, if God wills, be healed. The pain of stripes on Jesus’ back was the price of our healing.
I have met people in years past who teach that after the resurrection, some sinners left here on earth will still be called in to the body of Christ and be born again. I have heard ministers of this ilk teach more than once that since those people failed to be washed by the blood of Christ before he came back for his people, their sins would have to be washed away by their own blood. That is, they would have to suffer death at the hands of the Beast, and so, wash away their own sins by their own blood.
Billy, you know that no amount of our blood, even if we were to shed every ounce of blood that is in our body, could ever wash our sins away. It is the same way with Jesus’ stripes. No number of stripes that we might receive can ever heal us. The blood that Jesus shed is what saves us, and by his stripes, we are healed.