I read the “Pearl” below, and had this question: How would a person sum up, in a few words, the definition of being “too religious”?
Hi Wendell.
Any person who is religious at all, without the holy Ghost leading him, is too religious. It is important that we consider this, for Solomon said that we could destroy ourselves by being over religious (Eccl. 7:16). So, we should make every effort to be certain that we are led by the Spirit in every religious activity, choice, and thought. Our soul depends upon it. Paul said that God considers only those “who are led by the Spirit” to be His children (Rom. 8:14). To worship or to try to serve God without being led by the Spirit can lead one to be an enemy of God, like young Paul and many others like him who did great harm to God’s children while “thinking to do God a service” (Jn. 16:2).
The Spirit alone enables us to know God so that we can serve Him in a way that is acceptable to Him. All other religious activity on earth, and it is a massive amount, “is as filthy rags” in His sight (Isa. 64:6).
Pastor John
So well said, John.