Question from Ebay Customer

Dear Pastor John Clark,

I just started listening to the first cd.  Do you really think you aren’t born again unless you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost?  That would mean every Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, etc is going to hell.  That would mean all but about 3% of America would be going to hell … much less the rest of the world.  This would include guys like Jonathan Edwards, Billy Graham, and C. H. Spurgeon.


Dear friend,

You don’t know how many people have received the gift of God, the baptism of the holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.  Many who receive it do not tell about it for fear of displeasing their pastor and being “cast out of the synagogue”.

Regardless of how many are now in hell because they did not obey God and receive His Spirit (Acts 5:32) that number will include you, too, if you don’t repent.  Don’t look to numbers of people.  Look to Jesus.

Pastor John

Pastor John’s series on the New Birth is no longer available on Ebay. It can be obtained at the following link: