“Pearl” for April 13, 2013


The point of this “Pearl of Wisdom, below, is that God cannot be manipulated.  One afternoon, about 20 years ago, I warned a sister in the Lord that if she did not stop trying to manipulate God into doing things her way, she was going to drive herself insane.  That same night, long after bedtime, I received a phone call from her distraught daughter.  In the background, I could hear the voice of that sister I had warned.  She was walking about the house, screaming, for a long time.  I couldn’t make out her words, but her daughter said she was screaming obscenities and other things as she walked around, but then she would stop doing that and speak in tongues.  Her husband didn’t know what to do.  This went on for a good while that night, and there was nothing I could do about it. She had driven herself mad trying to pressure God ito doing things her way.
This “Pearl” contains an important bit of wisdom.  It means, in case any among us is unclear about it, that we are not God.  And that means that we had better learn how to humble ourselves to His way, or we will certainly face some unsavory consequences.
Preacher Clark had learned this lesson well.  That’s why, in a Pearl that you read not too long ago, he said something like, “If it doesn’t go the way I like it, then I like it the way it does go.”  In other words, “If God does not do it the way I would like for Him to do it, then I like it the way God does do it.”
Pastor John
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