Christ’s Time

Good Morning..I accepted Jesus as my savior when i was 8 yrs old,Im now 36..  i know others that do speak in tongues and their relationship with God seems so different than mine..different as in better.  I love to read the Bible and study and when i saw the ad for free copy i was so happy.  it was amazing how i was just wondering where i could learn about speaking in tongues, and then i saw your ad on my favorite website.  I want to have a closer relationship with the Lord.  My brother is a baptist preacher, and i laugh how not much is taught in his church concerning the Holy Spirit and I want to know..  i was always taught that speaking in tongues was not for our time..  it was for in christ’s time.  the more im learning, the more i disagree.  i want to learn how to pray in the spirit and speak in tongues..  God bless you for doing this for free.  God sees what you do.



Hi Carol,

Thank you for taking the time to write.

You may be surprised to learn that I agree whole-heartedly with what you have always been taught, that speaking in tongues was intended only for the time of Christ.  The thing is, THIS is the time of Christ.  He is Lord of an eternal kingdom.

Ask Jesus for grace to be filled with his Spirit.  In spite of what you have always heard, you will never see the face of God without it.

Please let me know what you get from the Speaking in Tongues at Spirit Baptism book.  I hope that what you get is what you are longing for, the baptism of the Spirit.  Carol, please believe me; you will never see the face of God without it.

God bless.

Pastor John