Covering the Ark

Pastor John:

When the Israelites moved from one place to another in the wilderness, did they cover the ark when transporting it?



Yes, RJ, they did. In fact, God commanded Moses to have the priests to cover the ark with several layers of material before the Levites were allowed to enter the tabernacle to pick it up and carry it. Other than the priests who ministered in the tabernacle daily, no one — not even the Levites who carried the objects that were inside the tabernacle — was ever allowed to see that holy furniture. This included not only the ark but also the table of “shewbread”, the candlestick, and the little golden incense altar, along with the utensils associated with those objects. They were all covered before the Levites came in to pick them up and carry them.

You can read the details of God’s command to Moses in Numbers 4:5-15.

Pastor John