Pastor John:
According to these definitions, taken from [Merriam-Webster Dictionary], what’s wrong with calling ourselves heretics, not just so-called but in fact?
1: a dissenter from established religious dogma; especially: a baptized member of the Roman Catholic Church who disavows a revealed truth
2: one who dissents from an accepted belief or doctrine: Nonconformist
The original Greek word for heretic meant a sectarian, and Paul strongly condemned such people. They promote division with their own opinions and theories.
As for “nonconformist” is concerned, by the light we have from God, we are being constantly “conformed to Christ”, as Paul said. So, that term doesn’t apply to us, either.
Lastly, I really don’t consider myself to be “a dissenting from established religious dogma”. No Christian dogma that I know of is established. Christian doctrine has been evolving since the beginning of Christianity. Many times, additions have been made to it. I believe that the truth of the gospel is the only established dogma (it will never evolve or change) and that everyone who teaches contrary to it is a heretic.
Pastor John