Hello sir.
I recently met a woman and now she is a close friend. She told me about her beliefs, and I was very confused at first, but then I became more intrigued. She told me about her deeper connection with God and about you, I was just wanting to receive a better understanding of your religion. I am not a Christian, but I do believe in God, I feel that I have a deep connection with God in my own way, I pray every night and try to read the Bible as much as I can. I have read a lot already about this, and it seems like I have the same way of thinking. I would just like a better understanding. Thank you for listening even though it was probably confusing.
Justin C
Hi Justin.
Thank you for writing. I encourage you to continue to seek to know the Lord. As long as we live, we will be learning from Him, if we stay humble.
I am not a Christian either (by the grace of God), but I do serve Christ. I have learned from the Lord Jesus to love the righteousness of God and to stay away from Church religion. We are not rebels against anything or anybody; we just know that the religious system of Christianity is not of God, and that it never has been. So, we stay away from it and live in the peace and joy of the Spirit, which pleases our heavenly Father because it honors His Son.
Jesus suffered and died in order for us to have God’s kind of life. If you continue to trust in Jesus, he will fill you with God’s life (the holy spirit) and make you a child of God, a member of the body of Christ (1Cor. 12:13). Then, in the Final Judgment, if you “walk in the spirit” now, you will be judged worthy to live forever in perfect peace with God and His Son. The gospel is just that simple.
Let me know if you have any specific questions, and I will try to answer them.
God bless,
Pastor John