
Pastor John

Last night as everyone was testifying about healing it felt so good.  I kept thinking of all Jesus had done for me–healing in my body, my heart and soul. When I stood up I felt a burden for my children.  I asked the Lord to heal their hearts.  So when I walked up and you lay hands on me all I could do was pray for them.  I prayed Jesus would heal them from the world and all the bad spirits and wrong ideas they have in their head and heart.  Then the spirit said, “Give this to your Pastor, he will help you with this burden.”

I looked up and I saw you in front of me and when you reached down I felt all this grief just come out.  You put your hands on my head and I felt this warmth go from the top of my head all the way through my body.  Then you started singing.  It was the most peaceful feeling.

I thank God for the sweet feelings He gives us.  For the peace that only He can bring.  I thank God for a Pastor that I can bring my hurts and happiness too!

This truly is a wonderful life!
