Romans 10 and “Saved”


I just have to say thank you, thank you, thank you so much for teaching us the right ways of God!! Tonight I am responding to my cousin on Facebook about Romans 10:9 and really had no clue to what words to say. ​

I did not understand it myself, really. But I’ve been reading “Satan’s favorite scriptures” on ​GoingtoJesus​.com and I just LOVE what you’ve said, and how it just makes such good, wonderful sense. Just feel very deeply thankful. Thank you 🙂

And also, I’ve just finished responding to the other verses my cousin wanted me to answer, and I feel more thankful for the truth and for what Jesus saved me from. And for bringing me to you to where I have the answers.  I love it that I had never thought about when the new covenant actually began – but you made it so easy to understand…​ It was a marvel to me when I first heard it! It still is!

Another thing: have you kept, or can you direct me to where I can read the saved verses and compare them? I recall you taught how 70% of all saved verses are future tense, and the rest are present tense and how just 2 could be either way.

Thank you,



Hi again.​

I never made a list of those verses.  What I did (almost forty years ago now!) is survey the New Testament to find all the scriptures where “saved” or one of its forms is used, in the context of spiritual experience.  The percentages you mentioned were based on that survey.

Pastor John