“Five-fold Ministry”

Pastor John,

Can a minister have more than one office (referring to the five-fold ministry)?

Also, is it right for a husband and wife to attend different churches?



Hi George,

Thank you for the questions.

First, a man can function under as many anointings as God chooses to give him.  That is entirely up to God.  Beyond that, be careful not to limit God’s work to five offices.  The phrase “five-fold ministry” is non-biblical.  It is based on a place in scripture where Paul lists five offices, but Paul did not list in that place all the offices and anointings that God has to give.

Secondly, it is always a bad sign when a husband and wife are divided.  But beyond that, “going to church” is a bad idea for anyone.  God is calling His people out of church religion altogether so that He can unite His children in the truth.

I encourage you to seek God, to receive from Him the light we all must have.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor John