Daniel 12: “The Daily Sacrifice”

If ​Daniel 12 is referencing the end of time, what does it mean “the daily sacrifice will be taken away”?  I thought that was the captivity of Israel.   



Hi, TE!

​In Daniel, 8, 11, and 12, “the daily sacrifice will be taken away” refers to the outlawing of the Jews’ religion by Antiochus IV in about 166 BC, which led to the famous Maccabean revolt.  I do not remember a prophecy connected with the captivity of Israel that contained the phrase, “the daily sacrifice will be taken away”.

The way Daniel 12 reads, that outlawing of God’s law by Antiochus IV appears to be an Old Testament symbol of something to come for those who believe in Jesus.  This culture, and the world at large, seems to be drifting inexorably toward outlawing some of the gospel’s truth and holiness, which we hold dear.

Thank you for the question!

Pastor John