Pastor John,
Man . . .I was taken in by the reading of Acts – and then it stopped at 26:6! Am looking forward to next time. It is so good! I’m amazed at the wisdom of God in Paul, the holiness, godliness, fear of God and not men, etc. Wow!
In 21:4, when “in the spirit” some were telling Paul not to go to Jerusalem, were they prophesying by the holy Ghost, or were they speaking from their own spirit because of their love and concern for Paul? Was God trying Paul’s heart?
Billy M.
Hi Billy,
Many have asked that question. We know that it was from God, warning Paul of what would happen to him in Jerusalem. There is no question about that. But the holy Ghost never commanded Paul not to go there. Those who loved Paul begged him not to go, but God left it up to Paul.
Pastor John