The Son

Pastor John,
I was thinking on the Lord today, and how that the Son was the beginning of His creation and the end of it.  As I understand it, God only created the Son, and then through the Son He created everything else.  Is that right?  Did God only create the Son, thus making the Son the first and last thing that God ever created?


Yes, Rob.

The Son is “the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” thing that the Father ever created.  Everything else everywhere was created through the Son, according to the will of the Father and by the power that the Father gave him when He created him.  The Son is de facto God over all that exists, but that he himself has a God over him, the Father, who is greater than the Son (Jesus said that).  This truth — that God from the beginning had a Son “by whom He made the worlds” serves as the basis for the New Testament.

Pastor John