Why I Want to Work

Pastor John, 

Friday afternoon, I was thinking about the tract room being open for us to come help prepare mailings, and I wanted to go.  I was looking forward to seeing everyone.  But I asked myself this question, “Why are you going to the tract room tonight?”  I then thought about what Michelle H. testified to the other night.  She said that before she found the truth, she, having the holy Ghost, sat under a Pastor, a doctrine, and elders in that doctrine, who made an evening out of delivering a sermon about the necessity of longer sleeves on women.   I knew that that was my answer.  That was why I was going to the tract room to work – because of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are  sitting under those oppressive misunderstandings.

I want to please God.  And the Truth, which is plainly spoken in those tracts, is my outlet to do so.  A vital part of that Truth is that a child of God can hear from their Creator everyday, so as to be guided into pleasing Him.  If I didn’t have Truth guiding my worship and obedience, something would have to fill its place.  My desire for God would make me find an outlet.  Some of God’s children are past the ceremonies, so the only thing left after that is an oppressed lifestyle, outlined by a set of man-made rules like the ones that Sister Michelle used to live under, regarding carnal things. I would imagine that when oppression of yourself becomes the only outlet that you have to serve God, a faithful child of God would equate more oppression with a closer walk.

That makes me want to work in the tract room.

You recently talked about the man who led his family in long prayer on the floor before every meal, and the Truth, through your father Preacher Clark, rescued them.  The anointing broke their yoke.  And knowledge of the Truth would keep them from ever getting under another one.  That makes me want to work in the tract room.  A saint could read one of those tracts, like Gary and Song, and it can change their life forever.


(For a complete list of our Gospel Tracts please visit:
