Hey Brother John,
During a recent meeting I gave a testimony about a relative being baptized in a river and how she rejected the truth about the holy Ghost baptism. Her rejection of the truth saddened me, and the next day I was feeling kind of down about it. Then a thought came to me which was this; “You didn’t get yourself here, and you can’t get them here either.” That thought lifted that burden off of me. It reminded me that anyone coming to the truth is a work of God.
My question is this. Isn’t it also true that when someone leaves the truth, that’s also a work of God?
Billy H.
Yes, Billy. Whenever anyone walks away from the truth of Christ, it is that God has judged them unworthy of it. We cannot judge the truth; rather, it judges us. Jesus said something like this:
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects me, and receives not my words, has one that judges him. The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John. 47-48).
Pastor John