Dear Sandra,
Thank you for your recent order of the Speaking in Tongues booklet. I am a volunteer who helps send the booklets out and received your comment: “Is when the Spirit of the Lord comes to you the only time you start speaking in tongues? Is this something that can be taught to you by other people?”
When someone is baptized with the holy Ghost, Jesus said there would be a “sound” (speaking in tongues/stammering lips) that comes with God’s Spirit entering into a person, and this enables them to communicate directly to the Father. It is not a one-time experience; we can speak to God and His son, Jesus, every day and keep the holy Ghost stirred up in our hearts to guide our ways to be more like them. Speaking in tongues cannot be taught by man, it is only given by God to us.
Thank you for leaving a question and I hope you enjoy and find the answers you are looking for in the booklet! It has already been sent and should arrive soon!
Ellen S.