Satan’s Motives

Pastor John,

I have a question for you about Satan tempting Jesus.

​We know that before the resurrected Son cast Satan out of heaven, Satan’s job was to report to God those who did not keep the laws ​commanded by Moses​. ​ ​​But how do we know that Satan thought he was in line for a promotion and passing his earthly job on to Jesus?


We know that Satan was expecting to be promoted to reign with God because God revealed that through Isaiah​ (Isa. 14:12–14). And we know he offered Jesus his old job of god of this world because he actually did that during the Temptation.


Is it possible that Satan thought he was getting Jesus to give in to temptation and sin against God, therefore getting Jesus in trouble?


Satan would not have attempted to do such a thing before he was cast out of heaven. That might have jeopardized his hoped for promotion.


​Satan tempted Eve and wanted her to sin against God and Job and Judas, so it seems like something Satan would do.


But did Satan really want Eve to sin, or just to, as the modern saying goes, “be all that she could be”. ​ And although it is obvious that he did not tell Eve the whole truth when he spoke to her in the garden of Eden, it is not clear at all that he knew he was not telling the whole truth. Thinking that God was like him, or that he was like God, he might have been telling her what he thought was the truth.


Is what we read tonight what Jesus revealed to you?

​I was not around for the Father and Son book as it was being revealed to you so I am just trying to understand.​ ​ It feels right.​ ​ It sounds right. ​ ​Just trying to catch up.



Just hang around, Beth. Things will become clearer for us all as time passes, if we remain faithful to Jesus.

Pastor John