Pastor John,
When you came out to visit Patty and Margaret and me last September, and we sat in Patty’s living room, talking, I brought up that verse from Romans 10:9, and how valuable your teaching has been about it. I’ve always been blessed, powerfully, by that truth…it just amazes me how Christians misunderstand that. . .and in tonight’s meeting it was TEN times stronger!!!! It just keeps getting better all the time…deeper, richer, clearer, sweeter…sweeter and sweeter and sweeter as the days go by….
(But I have one question that makes me stumble: When you say “we just need to submit to the righteousness of God”, what does that mean? What does submitting to the righteousness of God look like? How does one do that, in each and every situation? Is it another way of saying “get over yourself!”? Please try to explain for my little brain.)
Hi, Brad.
“Submitting to the righteousness of God” is Paul’s phrase, as you saw in Romans 10 tonight. By that Paul meant submitting to and following the Spirit of God instead of following the doctrines and traditions. For the time Paul wrote that letter, he was referring specifically to submitting to the Spirit instead of trusting in the rites and rules of Moses’ law to make one righteous.
Thanks for the question. God bless you and the others in California until we meet again.
Pastor John