Dear Vince,
I really enjoyed [Pastor John’s book, Speaking in Tongues at Spirit Baptism]; however it did raise a question. It would seem that if one doesn’t speak in tongues (by the power of the Holy Spirit) he really isn’t saved. Is that what you are saying? If that’s the case, I’m in big trouble because I’m sorry to say that I still have not spoken in tongues–but I haven’t given up. If you care to elaborate on that, feel free to contact me again.
Thank you and God bless.
Thank you for writing. I’m very glad to hear back from you.
First I want to clear up the issue of salvation. No one, whether they have God’s Spirit or not, is saved until Jesus returns. Salvation is a future hope for faithful children of God. Remember Jesus said, “He that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved.” (Mat. 24:13) And in Romans 8:24-25, Paul talks about the “hope” of being saved. Throughout the Scriptures, salvation from the coming wrath of God is spoken of as a future event. It is possible, and happens quite often, for a Spirit-baptized child of God to turn from the faith, return to sin and be damned in the end. So just because a person receives the holy Ghost baptism does not mean they are automatically saved.
So now to answer your question about the necessity of speaking in tongues. The holy Ghost baptism is most certainly necessary in order to be saved in the end and be with our heavenly Father. Paul said in Romans 8:9, “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.” In other words, without the Spirit of God dwelling in a person, that person does not belong to God. The next question is, how does a person know when they have received the baptism of the holy Ghost? As pastor John’s book explains in more detail, every time a person receives the holy Ghost, they are moved by the Spirit to speak in a language that is unknown to them. This can come out as a very clear, heavenly language, or it can simply be “stammering lips” (as Isaiah called it in Isaiah 28:11). In any case, it is the Spirit that causes a person to speak in tongues, it is not something you learn to do.
Please do not be discouraged by these things, Marilyn, because like I mentioned in my previous email, if you have a desire for the baptism of the holy Ghost, God already wanted you to have it before you even knew about it. It is impossible for a person to desire the things of God without God first putting that desire in their heart to receive them. So no, you are not in big trouble just because you haven’t received the Spirit and begun to speak in tongues yet. God knows exactly what you need, and He will show you what you need to do to repent and obey. Go with your feelings, and when you have sought God with your whole heart, you will receive the Spirit. It may also encourage you to read about how others received the holy Ghost. Go to:
Also, I would recommend listening to pastor John’s audio teaching series called “What Must I Do to be Saved?” It is on the web site under “Audio Teaching”.
Sorry this was a bit of a long response, but I hope this helps. If you have any other questions or thoughts, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be praying for you. Have a great day!
With love in Christ,