The Angels Endured, Too

Pastor John,

The last sentence of tonight‘s Father and Son book excerpt, states: 

“Moreover, as long as both good and evil were in heaven, the hearts of heavenly creatures were being tried, as the hearts of God’s people on earth are being tried now.”

Brother John, does this mean that the same kind of purging of the righteous, from the wicked, (or to say it another way…the “wheat from the tares”…or even “the wise from the foolish”) took place in heaven, thenjust as it is happening here, right now?

Did this all take place there first?

I understand that their hearts in Heaven were tried, but is it so, that they, in Heaven, experienced the same trial of “Enduring To The End” just as we, here on Earth, are experiencing now?   

Their “end”, that they were to endure to in Heaven, was the revealing of the SON to all of Heaven and its inhabitants. And their trial to be “endured”, until that unveiling of the SON and the purging of the wicked that immediately followed, had been the beautiful, wise and revered Satan, and his hypocrisy and likely subtle and continual slander of the Creator (that did carry away 1/3 of the angels we know).

Now our “end” (to be endured to, as well) here on earth, will be the revealing of the SON, too!  Not a revealing to Heaven, as it once was, but to Earth, and all of its inhabitants! Just as it was once in Heaven. And we too, here on Earth, awaiting the same end, do endure the same trial of not becoming beautiful and revered “pretenders”. Hypocrites. But instead stay alive and humble to the will of God, resisting the same father of lies that tried the righteous in Heaven, first!

When Jesus was revealed to the inhabitants of Heaven, the wicked, and the devil, were cast away. While the faithful to God, remained forevermore. 

And when Jesus is revealed here, to this world, the ungodly, the wicked and again the devil, will be cast away even again, to a place that will contain him and his, forever. And again the faithful will remain with God, forevermore.

Satan has been used twice to purge two entirely different existences.  

What a frightening thing.

My question is: Did they really go through the same experience, the same journey of faith, in Heaven, as we are experiencing here, now? Is this journey of the saints, this enduring to the end, here on earth, but another shadow of “heavenly things”?  Or, have I mistakenly drawn a parallel, when one doesn’t exist, to this extent, in this situation?

They are very exciting thoughts, but I am not certain if they all are, as I have seen them.



Yes, Jerry.  You are seeing it rightly.  Wonderful thoughts.

Pastor John

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