Hi Pastor John,
After Jacob vowed to God to pay his tithes to God if God would bring him safely back from Haran, to whom would Jacob pay his tithes to? Could Melchizedek still be alive?
Billy M.
Hi Billy.
Good question, Billy, but the Bible does not provide any answer to it. But then, were it not for a few verses in Genesis 14, we would not know that Melchizedek even existed. So, a lack of information about priests of God during this time does not mean that they were not around. Elijah, you will remember, had no information about any righteous people in Israel, and he grew discouraged, but God told Elijah that there were 7,000 in Israel who had not bowed to Baal.
In short, I feel sure that Jacob knew who to bring his tithes to when God brought him safely home, even if we don’t know who it was.
Thanks for the question.
Pastor John