Is the Bible the Word of God?


Name: Gary
Comments: I want to know how I may speak with John Clark? I cannot believe what I just read about Is the Bible the word of God. If its not the word of God then we are all going to hell. I need some answers and Johns responsible for giving them, there’s a lot of blood on his hands.


Hi Gary

Pastor Clark is away for a short time at present but I will pass on your comments.  You may contact him directly from his personal web page at There is a contact form near the bottom of the home page.

Gary, I’m glad that you have apparently got the point of that book but why do you think we would be on the way to hell simply because the bible is not the word of God?  Quite strange really.  Do you believe Jesus provided all we need to be saved in the end? Is he enough?  The bible as such did not even exist when he lived.  The bible is a great blessing from God in helping us to come to know Him but the word of God is what comes out of His mouth, not a record of it or a description of its effect on people and situations.  God is still speaking and those who are led by the Spirit, not those who read the bible will be saved in the end. We do not serve a dumb, mute idol. There is a word of God that we can eat every day in order to live just as Jesus said.

There is blood on hands for sure but you have the wrong man at present.

Damien Callaghan


I hope all who are under you at some point can be in at least 1 if not 2 translating sessions.  I think it would fill in any cracks which may exist about this issue.

B Wendell


You are so right, Wendell!  The humbling experience of attempting to translate the New Testament would eradicate from any honest man’s mind the non-biblical notion that the Bible is the Word of God, and especially that any particular version of the Bible is the Word of God.  If nothing else, just comparing the many, many different translations already in print, most of them good translations, demonstrates our need to hear God’s word now in order to understand what has been written in the past.  And it is that communication from God now which is the word of God.  The word of God, for us, is what God is saying to us, not the record of what He has said to others.  He is a living God, and, thankfully, He still speaks.
