I Have Spoken In Tongues…



Pastor John:

I have talked in tongues one time i was at a conference with my church.  i haved tried multiple times after that in my personal prayers at home.  why can i not pray in tongues like i did tht one time?  Have i done something wrong?



Hi Brother Ben!

You would probably be surprised at how many people over the years have expressed the same kind of questions you have about this. Jesus wants you to be free in the Spirit.  And he will lead you to his liberty.

The problem is a difficult one to deal with because the thing that causes the problem — church religion — is the very thing that God’s people trust the most.  If you could find a body of believers who are full of the Spirit and that have rejected the religious system known as Christianity (there are many such saints, I have found), your spirit might be liberated from the shackles that are holding your spirit down.  It is most often the weight of religious form and tradition that prevents God’s children from experiencing life in the Spirit as they want to — the way it should be experienced.

Other than that, I can only exhort you to keep your conscience clear so that you know the problem is not one of a guilty conscience. Keeping God’s moral commandments is very important!

We will be pulling for you as you pursue the knowledge of your heavenly Father.  The materials on our other web site, www.GoingtoJesus.com, will help you.  And if you want edifying music, whenever you are on a computer, go to www.SongsofRest.com.

God bless, and stay in touch.

Pastor John